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​A journey of recovery from the grief that followed the loss of his wife turned into an experience of Transcendence. In the process, Barry Wachtel has created a portfolio of beautiful, magical, and uplifting images and thoughts, which he has chosen to share with the world in the hopes they might inspire others.
I hope you will take your time as you read these pages. It's not what I'd call light reading, but I promise it will be thought-provoking. This book is a sketch and reflection of my lifetime of research and personal experience; and as it turns out, my love of gardening has given me the perfect motif for creating it. There are many concepts within the pages that will take time to reflect upon — and may occasionally cause you to sprout ideas of your own — so extra pages and spaces have been provided for your convenience. As I've come to realize, the more we put into something, the more we get out of it; so, I encourage you to make this book your own personal gardener's journal and write down the thoughts, ideas, and memories that are triggered as you read the words and enjoy the photographs.
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